The Power And Simplicity of Performance Measurement

The things you measure have a funny way of improving. It almost looks like magic. Measuring those things in your life that matter is a powerful way of emphasizing and improving them. For example, it’s hard to know if your diet is working if you don’t check the scale regularly. Are you getting stronger in the gym? … Read more

Self Awareness And Why It Matters

Having self awareness means that you have knowledge of yourself. You understand your habits, likes, dislikes, the way you view the world, and your needs. You know what you want in life and have an understanding of your emotional responses. Socrates’ famous quote “know thyself” is a directive to develop self awareness. Having an awareness … Read more

If You Need Pain Relief, Are You Strong Enough?

People born between 1901 and 1924 were coined the Greatest Generation by famed broadcaster Tom Brokaw. This was a tribute to the Americans who survived World War 1, lived through the Great Depression and then fought in World War 2. This generation was tested like no other since. They demonstrated perseverance and resiliency and changed … Read more