How To Resolve Trauma: Everything You Need To Know To Heal Trauma For Good

What is Trauma?

As a clinical psychologist, people often ask me: what is trauma exactly? What experiences can be classified as traumatic, aside from the obvious ones?

The truth is that there’s not really one simple answer. 

Trauma is subjective, relative to you and your life experiences. Trauma is sort of like a snowflake in that no two are ever quite the same. They’re formed differently and can look very different, too.

The issue comes down to the way you’ve experienced the traumatic event, and how that compares to everything else you experienced in your life prior to that event

Your early life experiences, particularly adverse ones, can shape how you respond to traumatic events later in life. That is what I refer to as your atmospheric conditions™.

Your atmospheric conditions are made up of the environment you grew up in, the events that happened and shaped you into the person you are today. If you understood the atmospheric conditions of everyone’s life, it would make sense as to why they do what they do and why they behave the way they behave. 

It’s the atmospheric conditions that determine the lens we see the world through, the way we react to it, and how it affects us.

how to heal trauma - understand atmospheric conditions


For example, two veterans might’ve been in the same combat situation, however, one ends up with post-traumatic stress and the other one doesn’t. Why and how does this happen? 

This difference comes back to their experiences, most likely originating from their childhood. If the first veteran had a lot of trauma early in life, chances are they’re going to be more affected by a particular traumatic situation. 

In a study “Childhood physical abuse and combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder in Vietnam veterans” it was found that Vietnam veterans with PTSD had higher rates of childhood trauma than Vietnam veterans without PTSD (26% versus 7%). The association between childhood abuse and PTSD persisted after controlling for the difference in level of combat exposure between the two groups. Patients with PTSD also had a significantly higher rate of total traumatic events before joining the military than patients without PTSD. These findings suggest that patients seeking treatment for combat-related PTSD have higher rates of childhood physical abuse than combat veterans without PTSD.

Since these veterans’ atmospheric conditions were completely different—even when they experienced the same thing—their minds filtered through their own atmospheric conditions, their own experiences in life, in order to respond to this particular event. And naturally, the response is different. 

This explains why some people have very different reactions, influenced by the resilience they’ve built through their atmospheric conditions.


Did I experience childhood trauma: How childhood trauma shows up in your adult life

Understanding whether you’re still dealing with trauma can be trickier than it seems. 

People often assure me that they’ve moved past their traumatic experiences and have developed coping mechanisms to deal with them.

“I’ve learned how to handle it. I think I do pretty well.” 

To shed light on this, I propose a simple test: reflect on an event from your past, perhaps during childhood, that occurred five, ten, or even twenty years ago. If thinking about this event triggers anger or causes your heart to race, you’re feeling an emotion

Anytime you feel an emotion, a feeling or a sensation, your mind is calling for action.

While it’s normal to feel emotions when recalling past events, the glitch occurs when you find yourself reacting emotionally to an event from the past, as if it’s happening in the present moment. 

For example, If you think about getting lost in the mall when you were five years old and your heart starts pounding in your chest, what is your mind asking you to do? 

Run! Get away from this event. 

Your mind is instinctively pushing you to escape a perceived threat. However, it’s impossible to escape the event because it already happened and, although it’s a memory, your mind thinks it is happening now.

So, if you feel a challenging emotion, like fear or anger, when you think about an event from your past, then your mind is still experiencing the old trauma—and that can be healed.

Often, people downplay their experiences, labeling them as non-traumatic when, in reality, they may have left an impact.

Consider the example of a client of mine who, despite enduring constant physical abuse from his angry father during childhood, perceived it as a form of toughening up, not trauma.

He shared with me an unusual incident where his father intervened on his behalf. As the boy filled up his father’s truck, a mishap occurred: he accidentally spilled gas on the car at the neighboring pump. 

This triggered an angry outburst from the car’s owner and, much to my client’s surprise, his father jumped out of the truck and physically confronted the man. Remarkably, my client perceived his father’s actions as a form of protection, oblivious to the evident psychological issues his father was dealing with.

Recognizing trauma involves acknowledging that trauma comes in various forms, not solely as “big “T” trauma” from catastrophic events like the Boston Marathon bombing. 

Although you may not have experienced major trauma in your life,you may have gotten an emotional concussion.


Emotional Concussions: Small “t” trauma That You’re Unaware Of

Emotional concussions refer to seemingly minor events that leave a lasting impact on one’s emotional well-being, which I explain in my book by the same name: Emotion Concussions. These events may include a coach questioning your abilities, a teacher criticizing you in front of others or growing up with an overly critical parent.

While relatively minor on their own, the accumulation of emotional concussions over time can lead to symptoms such as procrastination, chronic worrying, a fear of change, complacency, micromanagement, tendency to blame others, and so much more.

For example, I worked with a successful woman who shared her struggles with constant procrastination, despite running a successful business. She couldn’t figure out why she was doing it, nor how to stop this behavior. Interestingly, it came back to her early childhood experiences, with her mother, a school principal. 

Whenever my client would do her homework, she would bring it to her mother for review, and it would result in her mother using a red pen to underline mistakes. Although her mother’s intention was to help her, the woman perceived it as criticism, causing her to develop a defensive mechanism against such disapproval.

In her perception, her mother’s actions were critical, but in reality, her mother was trying to provide constructive help. Unfortunately, this misunderstanding led the woman to associate bringing work for review with emotional pain. 

Consequently, she adopted a strategy of procrastination to delay facing potential criticism. As a child she learned that if she could put something off long enough, she didn’t have to deal with the pain.

This approach allowed her to avoid the discomfort associated with corrections. However, it created new challenges as she often found herself dealing with tasks at the last minute.

My client’s procrastination wasn’t a deliberate attempt at self-sabotage; rather, it was a subconscious effort by her mind to protect her from emotional pain. The mind naturally seeks ways to avoid pain, and in her case, procrastination served as a coping mechanism to protect against perceived criticism and its associated discomfort.

Some people end up becoming worriers and worry all the time. For example, they might have absorbed this behavior from parents dealing with constant financial stress.  If the parents are worried all the time, that’s going to set the stage for the child to worry all the time. Children are phenomenal at taking their cues from their parents. 

If you’re a parent, reflecting on your own childhood experiences is crucial. Consider whether you tend to worry too much, procrastinate, or exhibit other behaviors. If so, try to trace these patterns back to any emotional concussions or traumas you may have experienced. 

Understanding the origins of your struggles can empower you to interact with your children in a way that prevents them from experiencing similar emotional concussions.

resolve trauma with tipp program


Let me share a case from my professional experience that really struck a chord. 

I was working with a woman who thought her childhood was pretty smooth sailing with no real traumas that she could think of during her good childhood, growing up with loving parents and grandparents.

But when I asked if she could think of any time in her life where she felt an emotion while she thought about the event, she went back to a memory from when she was just six years old, sitting in church with her grandma.

She was chatting away like kids often do, and her grandma decided to hush her by lightly tapping her head with a hairbrush, saying, “Stop talking. We’re in church!” 

As she recounted this, her eyes welled up, and she started sobbing uncontrollably

After composing herself, she said: “I just realized I lost my voice that day. I never speak up for myself. I always let people push me around. I had never connected that.”

Now, her grandma wasn’t trying to be harsh or silence her permanently, but kids tend to take things quite literally. So when her grandma said “stop talking,” the little girl took it as “don’t talk anymore.” And she complied. 

This story highlights how these emotional concussions, even if unintended, can stick with us and influence our habits and behaviors throughout life. 

It’s pretty eye-opening, isn’t it? And there’s more to know about childhood trauma—including how to heal.


How Childhood Trauma Affects You 

Going through a childhood trauma usually leaves a lasting impact on your physical and psychological health, often extending into adulthood. From your day-to-day life, to your mind and health, everything’s affected.

So what is childhood trauma exactly?

Childhood trauma encompasses a wide range of distressing experiences that a child may encounter before reaching adulthood. 

Traumatic experiences that happen during childhood are especially challenging, since you don’t have enough life experience and context to process trauma and understand what happened to you.

These experiences can take various forms, such as abuse, neglect, household challenges, and community incidents like natural disasters, terrorism, violence, and social rejection. 

The weight of these experiences can overwhelm a child’s developing mind, leading to an increased risk of substance use disorders, health problems, and mental health struggles later in life.

Studies have shown that what happens to us in our early years stays with us throughout our lives. Traumatic experiences trigger a cascade of changes within the body and brain, often resulting in a ripple effect that echoes throughout the individual’s life. 


Is childhood trauma causing ADHD?

ADHD affects approximately 6.1 million children in the United States. Isn’t that incredible?

adhd and trauma


Individuals with ADHD often experience a myriad of challenges including difficulty concentrating, staying organized and managing time, which can have a drastic impact on daily functioning and lead to long-term problems, such as academic failure or difficulties in interpersonal relationships, says Harold Hong, M.D., a board-certified psychiatrist and medical director at New Waters Recovery, an addiction and mental health treatment center in Raleigh, North Carolina.

How are kids developing ADHD?

If a child grows up, for example, in a home filled with stress, they really don’t have many options to deal with that stress. As an adult, you have fight or flight options: you can either walk away or fight back. 

A child has neither option. They can’t fight back, they can’t run away. A child is simply stuck in the situation of a stress-filled home. Regardless of that stress being intentional or not, it still has a major effect on the way they respond to their environment.

So if a child in a stress-filled home can’t run or fight back, how do they protect themselves? They shut down. They tune out the stress as their coping mechanism.

Their minds quickly learn that shifting attention over to something else, shutting down, and not focusing on the issue is the only way to protect themselves from the pain. 

This often results in such children later being diagnosed with ADHD

They trained their brain during the most brain-developing years to not focus, so once they start school they’re being labeled as “disruptive, can’t focus or pay attention”.  Of course they can’t focus; this is what their mind has developed as a coping skill due to their atmospheric conditions.

This shows how crucial it is for parents to remove stress from the home as much as possible. 

It’s the reality of life: things are going to happen to a child when they’re at school, with friends, or playing sports. They’re going to have their own stresses that will come along, their own challenges to navigate and solve. 

The home should be their safe place, their landing spot, their place to rest, reintegrate, and heal.

The children that grow up in supportive, nurturing environments handle setbacks in life easier because of the solid foundation their environment helped them build. They are more resilient because of the favorable atmospheric conditions they were exposed to. 

A nurturing environment is a critical component of defending against stress later in life.


How Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect your life today

The CDC and Kaiser Permanente conducted an extensive study on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which are significant traumas in a child’s life. These experiences have a profound influence on individuals. The study involved 17,000 participants and explored ACEs stemming from various sources such as neglect, physical and sexual abuse, as well as the challenges of poverty and living without a support system. 

What they found is that the consequences of ACEs become apparent later in life, affecting both physical and psychological well-being. 

For instance, among the 17,000 individuals examined, those who encountered four or more ACEs were seven and a half times more likely to struggle with alcoholism or drug addiction. 

Moreover, their likelihood of attempting suicide surged to 12.2 times the average, and they faced a four and a half times higher risk of experiencing depression. 

And, if left untreated, children with a high ACE score face a 20 year decrease in life expectancy.

But if we focus on preventing ACEs, we could change this. 

According to the CDC, preventing ACEs could have a major impact and cause reduction of negative outcomes in adulthood: 

potential reduction of negative outcomes

It’s evident that providing additional support, encouragement, and fostering a nurturing environment for our children would bring incredible benefits to our society.

Can Childhood Trauma Make You Physically Sick?

Unresolved trauma from childhood changes the way a child’s DNA is read and transcribed. 

This unresolved trauma turns up the inflammation genes and  turns down the immune system genes, neurotransmitter genes and neuroplasticity genes to protect the system. 

Unresolved trauma creates inflammation. Inflammation compromises the immune system and neurotransmitters. If the immune system is compromised, the child will get sick. If the neurotransmitters are compromised, the child will feel bad. They’ll end up with psychological depression, anxiety, and similar challenges. If their immune system is turned down, they’ll also be much more susceptible to viruses, illnesses, and other diseases. This shows how severe the effect of trauma is, not only on the child’s development early on, but on their adult life as well. 

I had a client whose traumatic experience started when she was only four years old.

She was left alone with her mom’s boyfriend at night due to her mother’s work commitment, and unfortunately, during these overnight stays with the boyfriend, she became a victim of abuse. 

The consequences of her traumatic childhood experiences lingered deep into adulthood, manifesting in debilitating panic attacks. She was diagnosed with severe post-traumatic stress and intense anxiety. The physical toll was evident as well, with the trauma leading to compulsive hair pulling, resulting in significant hair loss. Tragically, she also battled breast cancer, a harsh consequence of the unresolved trauma she endured during her formative years. 

After working together, she was able to finally heal. Instead of coping and managing her challenges, after going through the TIPP program she was able to leave her trauma in the past, where it belongs, and live her life NOW. 


Old Trauma is Draining Your Potential  

Picture your cell phone. 

You fully charge it overnight, giving it a hundred percent power. However, when morning comes, there are 20 different programs running in the background, draining its battery. Although in the background, these programs draw energy from the system, making your phone slow, unresponsive and often unreliable. 

This is exactly what unresolved trauma does. 

Instead of being able to operate on your full capacity, your energy is being drained by unresolved trauma that’s creating the inflammation, compromising your immune system, and making you feel horrible. All of this is happening below your conscious level, so you’re probably not even aware of it.

Even healthy, high-functioning individuals have glitches from their pasts, and once reprocessed, their performance improves to a whole new level and they can live life to their full potential.

I worked with Prince Fielder, retired MLB player and a six-time All-Star who, after going through the TIPP program, managed to free up the energy his subconscious was using on the old trauma loop, helping him feel better than ever before. Here’s what he said:

Going through the TIPP program with Dr. Wood was amazing. I’m calmer, the ideas seem to flow easier, everyday life seems to be a little smoother. Anxiety that I had is just gone. I can’t recommend this enough, it’s an amazing experience.

tipp program review


Once you understand how a trauma loop works and the effects it has on your mind, body, and overall life quality, you can take the steps needed to resolve it and live a happier, more inspired life.


Trauma Loop: How It Works & How To Stop It 

We’re born with the capacity to heal our minds, and our bodies are naturally equipped for healing.

What many people struggle with, often without even knowing, is that unaddressed trauma initiates an ongoing trauma loop within their subconscious, hindering the possibility of healing. 

So we end up feeling stuck, anxious, depressed, or develop an addiction.  

Beginning as a psychological issue, it subsequently translates into physiological manifestations, progressively impacting both emotional and physical well-being. 

More than 80% of the most unknown, idiopathic illnesses are caused by psychological issues, and that’s nothing but unresolved childhood trauma.

How a memory glitch is created

To understand trauma’s effect on your brain, mind, and overall health, you need to understand how your mind operates in the first place. 

While the brain is a physical organ, the mind is a philosophical and psychological concept that represents our consciousness and cognition. It’s a complex network of thoughts, feelings, memories, and beliefs that emerge from the brain’s neurological activity.

The mind can be divided into conscious and subconscious. 

The conscious mind contains our immediate thoughts and feelings, and our current awareness, while the subconscious holds our stored memories and learned behaviors. 

The subconscious mind is also referred to as the unconscious mind and it houses our primal impulses and desires, often outside of our conscious awareness. Your subconscious mind is a powerful force. It makes up around 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body needs to function properly, from eating and breathing to digesting and making memories without you even being aware of it.

The number one task of your mind is to keep you alive. It’s a perfect, survival-based mechanism, capable of storing insane amounts of information just so it can protect you.

We tend to think that anxiety, depression, addiction, PTSD and other struggles we’re experiencing are a sign of a broken mind, a sign that there’s something wrong with us. 


There’s nothing wrong with you, and there’s nothing wrong with your mind. If you’re experiencing such challenges, you need to understand that it’s a glitch.

Think of the brain as the hardware of a computer, with the mind functioning as the elusive software running programs in the computer. You have recorded billions of bits of information throughout your lifetime, and that is recorded and stored in memory. 

Humans are capable of storing tremendous amounts of detail about events and experiences. That’s our explicit memory.

If you drop the physical computer it can get damaged, just the same way a brain can suffer physical damage. The mind, the software, is prone to glitches and error messages, the same as software in a computer. 

Here’s how a glitch is created: when you experience trauma, that event is stored in your memory in high resolution. Since your mind is survival-based, it will make sure you never forget what caused you pain, so you can avoid it in the future. 

Let me ask you a question: what did you have for dinner last night? Take a few seconds to think about it.

If you’re like most people, your eyes looked up without you even realizing it, and recalled images of your meal. That’s how our memory works: we store information in image forms.

But your dinner wasn’t threatening or disturbing, so it’s stored as a low resolution file. Soon, you won’t even remember it; your body doesn’t need this memory to keep itself safe.

When you experience a threatening event, all your senses are heightened, you’re in a hypervigilant state of fight or flight. Your senses, your sight, smell, and hearing are all intensified. Because of this, events are recorded in high res, with tremendous amounts of detail.

So here’s where the issue is coming in. 

Your subconscious mind is survival-based. Its main task is to keep you alive. But this part of your brain operates in the present and only understands NOW. Time is a construct of your conscious mind, the subconscious only operates in the present. It doesn’t see time, it doesn’t understand consequences. There’s only NOW.

dr don wood on trauma and mind


If your survival brain, the subconscious that operates 95% of your life, recalls an event from 10 years ago because something in the present looked like, sounded like or smelled like that event, even if you weren’t consciously aware of it, all of a sudden you’ll feel irritable, start sweating, become dizzy, without understanding why.

It’s because your mind is looking at old information in real time. It’s an error message, a glitch caused by trauma.

The thing is your mind won’t stop.That’s the nature of the mind: it will leave no traumatic event unnoticed. We’re wired to avoid pain and seek pleasure, so your mind craves a solution to the trauma. 

When your mind continually concentrates on these errors, it forms a repetitive cycle, called a trauma loop, continually returning to the trauma and trying to fix it in real time. 

How does a trauma loop work?

When something activates your high-res traumatic memory, your Central Nervous System gets activated. This activation produces an EMOTION, which is a prompt for action. 

Your mind wants you to DO SOMETHING about the danger. However, NO ACTION is required, because the danger isn’t there. It’s an old memory that tricked your mind into thinking you’re in danger again. It’s just a glitch, an error message.

But it can’t fix it. It already happened, probably decades ago. 

So what does it do? Depending on your atmospheric conditions and the coping skills you developed, it will turn to a solution to stop the pain. 

Anxiety, depression, addiction, PTS, and panic attacks are all just symptoms, a code your mind has built in order to avoid the pain. 

Unresolved Trauma: Common Symptoms 

Trauma can, when unaddressed, cast a long shadow over our lives. Think of it as an intruder that leaves behind subtle footprints, footprints that you may find years later when your subconscious mind finds them.

However, there are clear symptoms that you may have unresolved trauma, including:

Persistent Anxiety and Fear

Ever had a sleepless night when your mind just wouldn’t shut off, and your heart raced for no apparent reason? 

Unresolved trauma tends to keep the anxiety flame burning. You might find yourself stuck in a cycle of worry, expecting the worst, or feeling on edge without a clear cause. 

Although there’s no imminent danger, your mind is seeing old data in real time, making you feel as if the danger is very present. 

Flashbacks and Intrusive Thoughts

Have you ever experienced a moment when the past felt so real that you could almost touch it? 

Unresolved trauma may present itself as flashbacks or intrusive thoughts, making you relive distressing moments. These mental echoes can disrupt your daily life, making it challenging to stay present. 

Difficulty Trusting Others

Unresolved trauma can breed mistrust, making it challenging to form deep connections with others. Our subconscious remembers all too well that traumatic event where someone failed us, we were tricked, or we were let down; our mind may see this as a helpful defense, however, it can create issues by always being guarded and invulnerable.

Emotional Numbness or Intensity

Trauma messes with our emotions. It can leave you feeling numb, like you’ve hit an emotional plateau, or unleash a torrent of intense feelings that catch you off guard. Recognizing these emotional extremes is crucial for understanding yourself better.

Struggling with Relationships

Building and maintaining healthy relationships is a tricky process,  even if you don’t struggle with unresolved trauma.

But when you’re dealing with a trauma looping in your subconscious mind, it almost inevitably  influences how you navigate intimacy, making it challenging to fully engage with others. 

You might have developed patterns of avoidance, fear of abandonment, or difficulty expressing emotions as a result of your previous difficult experiences, but it is not something you have to live with forever. Once you resolve the trauma, you’ll be able to break these patterns and form meaningful, deep relationships. 

Harming Behaviors & Trauma-Caused Challenges

Anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse, excessive risk-taking, or self-harm are common symptoms of trauma—but they’re only symptoms, not root problems. Too often, the focus is put on solving the symptom, not the trauma, which is why these harmful behaviors can be so challenging to end.

Such behaviors are often called self-destructive, but your mind isn’t capable of being self-destructive. Your brain is a perfect machine, designed to protect you from any threat, any danger, and any unpleasant or negative feeling and emotion.

The brain is survival-based, so it will never sabotage itself. When it anticipates danger (in any form), the brain will try to move you in another direction. But when you analyze that movement away from danger, you may interpret it as self-sabotage.

That’s not what’s happening. Your mind says “I’m running towards a buzz-saw”.

So, to survive, it looks for another option and sends you running the other way—because at least that direction doesn’t have a buzz-saw. The brain heads that direction as a way to escape the pain and protect you.

Unfortunately, this path without the buzz-saw may hold something else damaging, like deep depression, alcohol and drug abuse, or other risky behavior.

However, despite the harm these behaviors cause, you’re not self-sabotaging and you can RETRAIN your brain so it re-learns how to find a better solution—one without a buzz-saw or harmful behavior.

Chronic Physical Symptoms

Trauma isn’t limited to the mind; it often leaves its mark on the body. 

Chronic pain, headaches, and digestive issues are just a few ways your body might be signaling distress. Paying attention to these physical cues can offer valuable insights into the interconnectedness of your emotional and physical well-being.

At the age of 14 my daughter Ashley developed Crohn’s disease. The doctors told us to change her diet, remove gluten, eliminate dairy, etc.. And through all of the conventional wisdom she never got better.

It got to the point that they had to go in and literally cut out pieces of her intestinal tract.

She also developed another autoimmune issue called idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis, where the lungs just bleed. It’s a rare condition where she could literally choke to death on her own blood.m The doctors told us she’d be living with this disease for the rest of her life.

Needless to say, this isn’t an answer we were willing to accept. But between the doctors and my wife doing a bunch of research – we had tried everything.

And nothing was working. For a while we felt totally helpless.

Then when she was 16 she told us about some trauma, some abuse that had happened to her when she was between the ages of 6 and 8 from another girl in the neighborhood. Which is something we had no clue about.

At the time, I recalled learning that there’s a connection to trauma and inflammation which is linked to autoimmune disorders. And that was my Aha moment.

If all of the things like removing dairy and gluten weren’t working – could it be a response to the trauma? That was my hunch.So I went back to school, got my PhD in clinical counseling and psychology and started researching.

And that’s when I really started understanding what was going on for my daughter:

A chronically dysregulated and imbalanced nervous system can lead to anxiety, depression, PTSD, panic attacks, addictions, or even chronic illnesses such as auto-immune disorders, thyroid problems, cardiac and gastrointestinal diseases, and even cancer.

Consistent activation of your fight or flight response causes inflammation which is the body’s response to trauma threats. Inflammation compromises the immune system and neurotransmitters by activating a cell danger response that affects physical and mental health.

After the threat passes, your body is supposed to go back to normal.

But for Ashley, the trauma kept looping. So the inflammation stayed active – because in her mind the danger hadn’t passed.

And so her cell danger response showed up in her lower intestinal area. That was the Crohn’s.

As I continued my research I was studying a lot of the other modalities.

The problem was that most of them are just teaching people to live, manage and cope with trauma.

That’s what my daughter have been trying to do for years. And it doesn’t work.


Healing Unresolved Trauma: The Current System is Broken

When you have a fever, it’s usually a sign that there’s a bigger issue; the fever isn’t the problem, it’s only a symptom. 

You might take medication to lower the fever, but you’ll need to take additional measures to fix the root problem, the issue that’s creating the fever in the first place. It’s only logical—and hard to argue against!

However, when it comes to mental health, we don’t focus on the root of trauma-induced challenges. Instead, we focus on managing, coping, and medicating—never quite getting to the cause of so many challenges that plague us as individuals and a society.

Fortunately, there IS a better way—and people are loving the results.

People who come to me often say “I tried everything. Nothing works”. 

But the TIPP program does because it’s based on cutting-edge neuroscience and clearing techniques. We help you reprocess your trauma without reliving it, transforming it into low res memory so your mind can finally move on—and so can you.

Unlike the usual approach of manage, cope, and medicate, the TIPP program has the benefit of being a one-and-done approach; no recurring therapy appointments, side effects, or struggling with the same problems you’ve always tried to deal with.


Instead of coping and dealing, you need to clear the error message and tell the brain everything is okay.

Not only that: once you resolve the trauma and eliminate the error message, we can replace it with a response that leads to higher levels of performance, allowing you to live a better, calmer, happier life. 


TIPP program has gone on to help thousands of people just like you overcome past trauma and disturbing events – updating their minds operating system to achieve peak performance.

If you’re determined to live beyond your trauma, end the trauma loop, and get your life on the track it deserves to be on, set up a free consultation with a TIPP Advisor now.

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